Talking with my sister last week, she said something that stood out to me.
She was sitting in a swing, gazing out at her farm and said, “I am home, HERE.”

If you've been reading my writing you might have seen all of my different entries titled "Home." The pursuit of finding my home has been a theme I’ve been working on for quite some time now. A place in time and physical location that I have been searching for for many years and to be honest that until recently, I had yet to find.
For a part of me always yearned to be somewhere other than where I was. Perhaps a byproduct of loving many people and faraway places.
Of needing mountains while missing lakes.
Of seeking adventures while wanting family dinner.
Of cooking Thanksgiving for four while my extended family sent photos of a feast for forty
Of falling in love with a man from the mountains
And the reflections yellow trees mirror back from the wild rushing river near my house
While missing the glorious scent of a Michigan forest full of damp fall leaves
Goodness knows how I have wished for the ability to be in two places at once.
My sister’s words inspired me to really sink into the possibility of being home, anywhere I am. A dozen moves later and I still hadn't found it, what else is there to this feeling of being home?
I thought that I would reach a certain place and declare "Aha! This is it. I am home!"
Just recently, that aha moment occurred. But the physical location was of unimportance.
I happened to be in my kitchen doing something mundane when suddenly I felt as though my perspective did a 180. Unbeknownst to me, I had been accustomed to seeing myself from an-outside-looking-in perspective. But all of a sudden it was as though my spirit delightedly jumped back into my body and I could see out of my own eyes once again.
I would love to know if you have experienced something similar.
Like many others, I have had a lifelong battle with self acceptance, fear of judgement, lack of safety and criticism of my physical form. It was as if I was always performing. Through the insightful work I've been undertaking in the life changing course The Mind Body Rewire, I have grown in understanding and acceptance of myself. My insides are no longer tumultuous. The battle is over and the need to observe myself is now moot. I spontaneously slipped back into my own skin with an unabashed glee that I imagine only comes with experiencing life embodied. It was finally safe to return.
Welcome home.
I am learning the ability to feel at home anywhere really can come to fruition. Below are some of my pieces of home. For me, it isn't one place or another. It is an extraordinarily beautiful collage of all the things that make up a single life.
The most important piece being the ability to live a life embodied.
And I am very grateful to be home.
