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Detoxing: the mold & the old programs

Amanda Fox Gibbons

Activated charcoal, various binders and supplements, hot epsom salt baths, coffee enemas and copious amounts of purified water are all helping me rid my physical body from the long standing effects of toxic mold exposure and chronic inflammation (CIRS).

But I realized something today: detoxing from mold has me detoxing from so much more!

  • Fear

  • Shame

  • The opinions of others

  • Certain cultural narratives

  • Outdated belief structures

  • Past survival mechanisms

These are elements of programs that I once unquestioningly adopted, not realizing that we actually have a choice. And to my absolute delight I've learned that there is an eject button for these!

Understanding that we all get to CHOOSE which programs we are running is liberating as all get out.

We can eject the expired programming and replace it with a way of life that is in the flow. One that is ever changing, adapting and allowing the good stuff to come through.

There doesn't have to be a set program. What we need is adaptability and the ability to trust ourselves.

There is security in continuing to run the old programs because they are predictable, but at the same time SO LIMITING. There are millions of ways life can be experienced, but when we run the old programs, everything fits neatly into the predetermined boxes.

Comforting for someone experiencing anxiety. Stifling for spiritual growth and awakening.

Here are a few examples of programs we can be unconsciously running:

  • I am unworthy of love unless I do fill-in-the-blank

  • If I can't do it perfectly, it's not worth doing at all

  • Becoming smaller = staying safe

  • "Do your best" equates to "push yourself to complete exhaustion"

  • I must be productive in order to have an opinion

  • If I am not 100% hyper-vigilant, it must mean I am being negligent

If this stuff sparks your interest like it has mine, a few questions you can ask yourself are:

What programs are running in the background of daily life? Are they mine or did I inherit them? Are they serving my highest good? Do I want to continue running them? What could life look like if I hit the eject button?

For me, the first step of the eject button process has been awareness of the programming. Acknowledging and naming the old programs has been essential. In the very process of naming them, there can be enormous relief and a lessening of their influence on your life.

If you are curious what programs might be running within your life, I highly recommend working with an experienced healer/therapist/spiritual or meditation teacher. While I do believe we can figure these out on our own, the comfort and insight a highly tuned soul can bring is incredibly helpful. You don't have to do it alone. Holding hands can be healing in itself.

Cheers to peeling off the layers and becoming our true selves!

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