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It was an ordinary morning

Sunshine streaming through the trees

Soft breeze gently swaying the leaves

Me, stretched out on my yoga mat

When something magical occurred

She was perched right before my sleepy eyes

Swiftly, gently, and spontaneously

As most magical events do

I watched as she carefully climbed out of her old skin

A new creature emerged

One that was sleek and iridescent

With expansive newfound wings

She released the old version

She simply left it behind

For it was now too bulky and cumbersome

I grabbed my camera to capture the moment

But when I looked at the photo

She had already flown away

Leaving me with her memory

The taste of magic

Her beautiful transformation

Witnessed only by the two of us

Still lingered on the breeze

Later that day I returned to see if she was near

Not a trace of the magic was there

Her old self had blown away

Returning to nature as all things do

But while floating in the sunset evening waters

A dragonfly landed on my shoulder

Sleek and iridescent

We smiled at one another

And once more, she flew away

She has set sail on a new adventure

More herself than ever before

And she is right on time.

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