A few years ago when I was in the beginning of my healing journey, I began receiving beautiful messages. Words whispered in my ear as I crouched down to see a baby grasshopper hidden within the petals of a flower. My soul would stir with knowing when noticing the way the creek filtered light into channels of gold. Shimmering for all to see. The grass began to wave to me as if we were old friends and everywhere I walked I found gifts. Feathers, heart rocks, rainbows, music in the leaves. The quieter my external life became the more vibrant my inner life grew.
Observations of the natural world around me filled me with comfort and began to answer my big questions. For the first time in my life I didn't feel so afraid.
This past summer I had the long awaited experience of having my own garden. Each morning I'd scoot down in the early light to see what I could find. A question I would ask before stepping inside was "What would like to be seen today? Who wants to be noticed?"
Unfurling flowers shaped like stars. Baby vines proudly wrapping around the rusty trellis. Showing off how much they grew overnight.

Of all the tendrils, petals and vines, it was the sunflowers that stole my heart. What began as tiny seeds inside their familiar black and white shells grew so tall I had to tilt my head back to see their beautiful faces. Geometric patterns formed within their petals. I love how sunflowers follow the sunshine throughout the day. And how they don't hide their beauty. They grow as big as possible. Towering over the fence, unabashed. Giant, friendly, beautiful, strong, unapologetic for their innate glory. For they are just doing what they are designed to do. A welcome sight for all to see and a great teacher of mine.
What if we all could grow as big and beautifully as we were designed to? What if we didn't hide our magic or cover ourselves with guilt, shame, fear? What would happen if we all embodied our divine beauty?
That very idea has been the most important lesson I have learned to date. That the connection we seek isn't outside of us. If we can clear out our outdated ways, release the survival mechanisms our younger selves had to put in place. If we can learn to forgive, to let go, to allow it to unfold, to make space for the miraculous to happen. Begin to see the beauty that is everywhere. To hold in our hearts the mystery of this wondrous life. If we can deeply know we are divine love, intelligence, God's beautiful creation.
I am beginning to stand tall and radiate at full capacity. To bend in the breeze and follow the sunlight just like the sunflowers do.
Are you a sunflower, too?
I see you over there, shining bright.
#lightbeings #lettherebelight #wildpeace #heal #godsource #connection #nature #awakening #selflove #divinelove #youaresacred